Huambo Música Sessions is the implementation of the Tsikaya project in the province of Huambo in Angola. Initiated in 1997 in the province of Cuando-Cubango, Tsikaya is a project that promotes the work of musicians in the rural areas of Angola. In sebsequent years Tsikaya has been implemented in the provinces of Benguela, Huíla and partly in Cunene. Many musicians have been recorded and their works heard and promoted through the web site tsikaya.org and are now part of the series of CDs Tsikaya - Músicos do Interior. The next edition of these CD series is Huambo Música Sessions with musicians from the province of Huambo. The project is a partnership between PangeiArt, UNAC and Brigada Jovens da Literatura and has the support of the Prince Claus Fund.
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